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  • Writer's pictureRinesa Gashi

Artificial Intelligence: Getting Data to Make Automatic Decisions

Updated: Apr 17, 2023

Numerous industries are being transformed by artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is transforming the way brands do business across industries, from finance to technology and retail. It's reshaping the way digital marketers connect brands with their audiences.

Machines and computer systems are performing tasks that previously required human intelligence, such as voice recognition, visual perception, translation, and decision-making. Artificial intelligence can now complete those tasks on its own. Artificial intelligence will be used in 40% of digital transformation services by the end of this year, and the AI industry will be worth $190 billion by 2025. There's no doubt that this technological revolution will generate more positive momentum.

How is AI changing digital marketing?

By increasing efficiency and optimizing the user experience, artificial intelligence is transforming customer-facing services for digital marketers. On the web, one common application of AI is the use of chatbots to provide customer service to users.

Users can ask chatbots questions about products and services or request to be directed to a specific section of a website when a chatbot is present. Following an automated welcome message, brands can direct users to a live chat with a customer service representative to expedite the interaction. Additionally, 64% of Americans agree that the best feature of chatbots is their availability 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Allow your chatbot to do the work for you while everyone else is sleeping.

Another application of artificial intelligence in digital marketing is the personalization of the content that a user views while browsing a website. Machines can track users' spending habits and preferences with the assistance of artificial intelligence. Following that, AI can use that data to market similar products that users are likely to be interested in. This process will assist you in segmenting your audience and generating sales through customized content. Both of these examples demonstrate how AI is transforming digital marketing by assisting brands in increasing productivity and revenue by automating tasks that previously required human labor and intelligence.

By far the most significant way AI is affecting digital marketing is through cost reduction. According to Forbes' Joe McKendrick, "more than half of decision makers (51%) admit that cost reduction is the first area where AI is delivering results." Artificial intelligence enables businesses to increase revenue while also saving money.

If you're just getting started with artificial intelligence and don't want to commit to hiring a full team of web developers to make significant changes to your website, you can use an AI-powered tool to accomplish the task. According to MarketingProfs, businesses that implement AI experience a 59% increase in close rates, a 58% increase in revenue, a 54% increase in traffic and engagement, and a 52% increase in conversions. The time has come to integrate artificial intelligence into your business practices.

You can use a variety of tools to target specific areas of your marketing strategy. If you're a small business with limited marketing resources, invest in an artificial intelligence tool that will greatly enhance your advertising capabilities. If you're a large company looking to gain an advantage over your competitors, consider implementing an SEO-based AI tool that will assist you in outranking them on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Four Ways Businesses Are Using Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing to Increase Customer Satisfaction

When it comes to leveraging artificial intelligence to enhance the customer experience, four significant developments stand out: chatbots, predictive and targeted content, content creation, and image recognition technology. Each of these can help improve customer service and support, as well as content delivery. What you need to know about these technologies and how they can help your business is summarized below.


A chatbot is a piece of software that is capable of conversing (or "chatting") using artificial intelligence to determine responses. You may have encountered a chatbot while browsing a website in search of an answer to a question. Chatbots can communicate via audio or text, with the latter typically appearing as chat windows on your computer screen. Chatbots, also known as messenger bots, have been termed 2017's best new marketing channel.

Predictive and targeted content

Along with answering questions via chatbots, AI can be used to collect additional data about prospects and customers, which can then be used to forecast future behavior and create more targeted messaging. As mentioned previously, this content could be delivered via a chatbot, dynamic content on a web page, or via email. That's because AI can assist in delivering the appropriate email message at the appropriate time by utilizing dynamic content and determining it based on previous customer behavior. By analyzing which web pages, a customer visits, which blog posts they read, and which emails they interact with, AI can intelligently select the content most likely to appeal to a particular customer and populate an email with that content. AI can also forecast when customers will abandon a brand using a technique called "churn prediction." This enables us to deliver personalized content to them that is most likely to engage and re-engage them.

Content Creation

Producing high-quality content takes time, and effective marketing necessitates a significant amount of it. Artificial intelligence can assist by generating some of that content for you. The content could be hundreds of words long and read as if written by a living human being.

Image Recognition Technology

Finally, image recognition software is a type of artificial intelligence tool that businesses can use to enhance the customer experience. Image recognition has existed for some time, and you've probably encountered it on a platform such as Facebook when a friend was automatically tagged in a photo you posted. Additionally, image recognition software aids in personalizing customer experiences.

Intelligent Marketers Stay on Top of All Trends

Artificial intelligence has become ingrained in our technologies and daily lives, making it simple for us to benefit as consumers. However, marketers must learn how to incorporate the benefits of AI into their daily work to enhance customer experiences, strengthen brand loyalty, and boost revenue. And AI is just one of a slew of emerging tools, trends, and technologies that marketers must monitor.

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